Why is this December Solstice rare?

As the December Solstice approaches, a rare alignment happens, one that won’t repeat for another twelve years. We’re talking about a genuine portal opening, a convergence of cosmic factors that includes the Sun’s Solar Maximum, the Golden Gate alignment in astronomical astrology, and the unseen powerful energy known as negative green. Whether you’re a seasoned astral traveler or a curious observer, this event invites us to connect with energies that are rarely this accessible. It’s time to unpack the science, the mysticism, and the significance behind this rare cosmic event.

Understanding the December Solstice Portal

Picture the December Solstice as a cosmic checkpoint. On December 21, 2024 (at 1:20 am PST), Earth’s tilt aligns in such a way that the Northern Hemisphere experiences its darkest night, and the Southern Hemisphere its brightest day. AND this time, there’s more than just the usual seasonal shift at play. Our Sun is also near its Solar Maximum, a peak of intense magnetic activity and heightened solar energy output. Combine these factors with the Golden Gate, the intersection of the ecliptic and the galactic plane known to have significance in ancient astronomical astrology, and you’ve got a recipe for something exceptional.

For millennia, civilizations tracked the Sun’s path and noted these energetic crossroads. The Golden Gate, a celestial landmark near the constellation Ophiuchus and the Galactic Center, has long been associated with portals. When the Sun aligns with the Golden Gate at the December Solstice during a Solar Maximum, it’s as if the universe is serving up a once-in-a-dozen-years opportunity to access unseen dimensions.

The Science Behind the Mysticism

How can something that sounds so mystical have any basis in science?

  • Astronomical Astrology: While traditional astrology often links human destiny to celestial movements, astronomical astrology focuses on precise, observable phenomena. The Golden Gate alignment is a measurable coordinate where the Sun meets the galactic plane.

  • Solar Maximum: Every 12 years, the Sun’s magnetic field flips, causing an increase in solar flares and coronal mass ejections. This heightened activity showers Earth’s atmosphere with charged particles, subtly influencing the electromagnetic environment that surrounds and penetrates all life.

  • Negative Green Frequency: Studied by pioneers like Chaumery and De Belizal, negative green is a subtle energy frequency that is a powerful carrier wave, linking physical and non-physical realms. This concept resonates with advanced fields of Biogeometry and subtle energy research.

What we get is an alignment of solar, galactic, and terrestrial factors that create a more direct line for astral travel, meditation, and heightened perception. In other words, what some might dismiss as mere folklore now comes with data points and measurable cycles, offering a bridge between scientific observation and experiential reality.

Accessing the Portal Through Astral Travel

For those practicing astral travel, this December Solstice portal offers a rare environment that will amplify your experiences. Imagine tuning into a cosmic radio station with far less static. The combination of Solar Maximum energy, the Golden Gate opening, and the presence of negative green frequencies makes it easier to connect with guides, access universal knowledge, and simply heal.

Astral travel techniques that rely on relaxed states of consciousness, centered energy, and visualization yield deeper insights. You might suddenly “see” patterns in your personal journey or receive flashes of intuitive knowledge about your life’s direction. Is it guaranteed? Of course not. Yet think of it as having a cosmic tailwind at your back when you push off into the astral realms.

Before doubt starts creeping in, remember that advanced science once considered the idea of radio waves inconceivable. If humanity has learned anything, it’s that the universe is stranger, richer, and more generous with its secrets than we often give it credit for.

Embrace the Mystery

The portal opening at this December Solstice isn’t just a myth or a metaphor. It’s rooted in observable astronomical alignments, the predictable cycles of the Sun, and well-documented subtle energy. Whether you’re drawn by scientific curiosity, spiritual seeking, or a bit of both, consider taking a moment around December 21, 2024, to tune in. If the universe is singing a rare note, why not listen closely?

And remember: This unique window won’t come around again for another twelve years. So step outside, breathe deeply, and open yourself to what might just be waiting, hidden in plain sight.


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