Is Astral Travel safe?
Astral travel can be a life-changing journey through gateways to higher knowledge, cosmic insights, and resonance with higher harmonic qualities. Yet stepping into these spaces can feel a little scary and unfamiliar. Below is a framework centered on five principles used to ensure our safety in the astral planes.
1) Travel Only to Power Spots in the Sky
Think of the cosmos as a giant net with certain nodes of higher energy. These intersections are power spots, also known as gateways, portals & stargates, and have a centering energy that helps guide your astral travel. Every power spot, whether on Earth, or in the Sky, have three qualities emanating from them: higher harmonic of gold, higher harmonic of ultraviolet, and horizontal negative green. Together, these three qualities form what Dr. Karim termed ‘Biogeometry 3’ or simply, BG3. It is the Universal Centering Quality that heals, centers, and transforms.
2) Connect to Earth’s Frequency
Earth’s frequency stabilizes your body, mind, and spirit, preventing you from drifting aimlessly in astral realms. Many researchers have found that physically grounding helps regulate your electromagnetic field, creating a safe container for exploration. Picture your feet rooted in Earth’s field, drawing support and calm from the ground beneath you. Also, project your consciousness down into the Inner Earth and feel the heartbeat of Gaia.
3) Use a Toroidal Shield Around Your Field
A torus shape, this is a doughnut or inner-tube, naturally recirculates energy in a continuous loop. When you visualize or project a toroidal field around your body, you create a living shield that strengthens your auric field.
4) Clear Your Space and Yourself First
Entering astral realms with emotional or energetic clutter makes you a magnet for unwanted vibrations. You become a beacon to tricky and manipulative energies seeking to fulfill their own agenda at whatever cost. We burn candles, listen to centering music and perform the net clearing to ensure our space is clear and ready for safe exploration.
5) Travel with Your Higher Self
Your Higher Self acts like a built-in cosmic compass. When you connect to your Higher Self before astral travel, you establish a resonance, or an exchange of information, with this higher version of yourself. This version knows your heart, and knows what you have agreed to experience. Traveling with your Higher Self is the best way to ensure all your interactions in the astral plane are for you highest benefit, to the harm of none.
By traveling only to cosmic power spots, grounding in Earth’s frequency, surrounding yourself with a toroidal shield, clearing your space, and connecting to your Higher Self, you set the stage for a safer, more expansive astral travel experience.
Let your next journey be one of confidence and cosmic wonder. The vast universe is calling you, and safety must be your companion. When you include these five steps into your practice, you create a cosmic home base you can rely on, no matter how high you fly.