Why are there only 12 houses when there are 13 signs?
Stephanie Buchanan Stephanie Buchanan

Why are there only 12 houses when there are 13 signs?

Unravel the mystery behind the twelve houses in astrology and why they remain unchanged despite the addition of the 13th sign, Ophiuchus. Discover the historical and astronomical reasons for the enduring structure of the astrological system.

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What is Astronomical Astrology?
Stephanie Buchanan Stephanie Buchanan

What is Astronomical Astrology?

Explore the precision of Astronomical Astrology and its use of ecliptic coordinates to define the actual boundaries of zodiac constellations, offering a distinct and accurate astrological perspective.

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What is a starseed?
Stephanie Buchanan Stephanie Buchanan

What is a starseed?

Learn about the unique vibrational bond starseeds share with their star systems and how harmonic resonance plays a key role in this cosmic relationship.

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